In a shocking revelation, actress Gal Gadot has shared that she underwent brain surgery while eight months pregnant due to a life-threatening health crisis. The “Wonder Woman” star described her ordeal, which began with excruciating headaches that left her bedridden. After seeking medical attention, an MRI scan uncovered the alarming diagnosis: cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT), a condition characterized by a massive blood clot in the brain.
Gadot recounted how, in an instant, her family was confronted with the fragility of life. The severity of her condition necessitated emergency surgery to save her life and that of her unborn child. CVT affects approximately three in 100,000 pregnant women, and its symptoms can vary significantly depending on the area of the brain impacted. Common symptoms include severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, numbness, tingling, weakness in limbs, and vision problems.
Despite the harrowing experience, Gadot’s story has a positive conclusion. She gave birth to her fourth daughter in March and reported that both she and her newborn are doing well today. The actress’s openness about her health struggles highlights the often-overlooked risks associated with pregnancy and reinforces the importance of seeking medical help for unusual symptoms.
Gadot’s experience serves as a stark reminder of the complexities of pregnancy and the potential health challenges that can arise, even in seemingly healthy individuals. As she continues her journey as a mother and a prominent figure in Hollywood, her courage in sharing her story may inspire others to prioritize their health and be vigilant about any concerning symptoms during pregnancy.