China launched a 50 000 ton drone carrier. What are its roles and capabilities?

On December 27, 2024, China unveiled its first-in-class drone carrier, the Sichuan, designated as an O76-class amphibious assault ship. This new vessel marks a significant milestone in China’s naval capabilities, standing as the largest ship in the country after its dedicated aircraft carriers. The Sichuan’s dimensions surpass those of many Western naval vessels, including the U.S. Wasp and America-class helicopter landing ships, and even the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, positioning it as a formidable player in modern maritime warfare.

The design of the Sichuan reflects a dual-purpose role, combining a well dock for amphibious landings with an expansive flight deck intended for launching and recovering large attack drones. Unlike traditional systems, the ship is engineered to operate a 15-ton stealthy strike aircraft, identified as the GJ-1 UAV. This drone, characterized by its remote piloting capabilities and autonomous functionalities, is poised to play a crucial role in various operational scenarios, especially where enemy communication jamming could hinder command links.

While the O76-class is an evolution from China’s previous 075-class helicopter carriers, it significantly amplifies drone operational capabilities. The top deck is larger to accommodate the launch of heavy unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) using an electromagnetic catapult system, similar to that found on China’s first aircraft carrier, the Fujian. This system underscores the intent to deploy large drones that require high-speed takeoffs and landings. Furthermore, the ship features a robust array of self-defense systems, enhancing its survivability in hostile environments.

The Sichuan’s integration into naval operations is expected to align with broader strategic objectives, especially concerning potential amphibious operations in regions like Taiwan or other distant islands. While the immediate implications of the ship’s capabilities may seem limited—given China’s absence of vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) jets—the O76-class is designed to provide rapid strike support close to landing zones. This operational philosophy diverges from U.S. practices, which rely on the versatility of VTOL jets for immediate air support during amphibious assaults.

The GJ-1 drone, under development for several years, is anticipated to serve as the primary strike asset aboard the Sichuan. With a design resembling Western UAV prototypes, it is expected to carry significant payloads, including precision-guided munitions. The operational model envisions waves of GJ-1s launching from the Sichuan to target enemy positions as landing forces approach, thus providing vital close air support.

However, challenges remain in establishing the effectiveness of the O76-class and its drone systems, as no combat UAV of this scale has entered active service yet. The ultimate success of the Sichuan will depend on the GJ-1’s ability to execute missions effectively and return safely, a capability that remains to be proven.

As the lone ship of its class currently, the Sichuan will undergo extensive testing and evaluations before its full operational capabilities are realized. Analysts expect that it could take several years before the ship is fully integrated into the Chinese Navy, and its role within the broader context of China’s maritime strategy will continue to evolve.

The introduction of the Sichuan signifies a pivotal moment in naval warfare, reflecting China’s ambitions to enhance its power projection and operational flexibility in the Indo-Pacific region. As the geopolitical landscape shifts, the implications of this advanced drone carrier for regional security dynamics remain to be seen.

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