™ Birth of a rare albino puma in a zoo in Nicaragua (Video)

How sweet! Looks like my cat Luna

Golden Mommy Cat, Nuri came to see the baby in a week~!! (Video)

Golden Mommy Cat, Nuri came to see the baby in a week~!! (Video) <iframe width=”880″ height=”642″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/c_5npeVTkIQ” title=”일주일만에 새끼 찾아 온 어미 길고양이~ 눈물이ㅠㅠ” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay;…

Golden Mommy Cat, Nuri came to see the baby in a week~!! (Video)

Golden Mommy Cat, Nuri came to see the baby in a week~!! (Video) <iframe width=”880″ height=”642″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/c_5npeVTkIQ” title=”일주일만에 새끼 찾아 온 어미 길고양이~ 눈물이ㅠㅠ” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay;…