Republicans keep majority in House of Representatives giving Trump unchecked power in Congress
Republicans will maintain their slim grip on power in the House of Representatives giving President-elect Donald Trump and the GOP total control of Congress. The ‘trifecta’ in the U.S. government adds to the total annihilation of the Democrats in the 2024 elections and has sparked an internal civil war about how they move forward. It opens the door for Republicans to have unchecked power to push through all of their policies alongside Trump in his first two years in office.
Boy, 14, kills himself after being bullied ‘for being homeless’
A teenage boy took his own life after being bullied for being homeless, his father has revealed. Jose Zamora, 14, died by suicide last week just three months after starting at Santa Clara High, California. His father Jose Bautista said his son’s death was the result of a relentless bullying campaign by his classmates.
Trump nominates Matt Gaetz to be Attorney General in stunning move
President-elect Donald Trump named controversial Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz as his nominee for Attorney General in a move that is bound to outrage Democrats and even shock many Republicans in Washington. Gaetz is a MAGA firebrand who has taken aim at both GOP House members and Democrats alike as he has remained a close ally of Trump. While Trump appears to be valuing staunch loyalty as a prerequisite for his choices to key posts over standard qualifications, the choice of Gaetz as the top law enforcement official in the land left many scratching their heads – if not scraping their jaws off the floor.